Monday, August 8, 2011

Recent NY Times opinion about 21st Century education "Education needs a Digital-Age Upgrade by Virginia Heffernan.

A new book by Cathy N. Davidson is coming out called "Now You See It."

Friday, August 5, 2011

Lots on my mind during the summer months

Here is a link to my other blog - I posted about the Save Our Schools rally in Washington DC on Saturday.

Here is a letter to the Boston Globe from Nancy Carlsson-Paige about the coverage of education policy.

I've been thinking quite a bit lately about what being a teacher means to me. So last night I pulled out my copy of "The Courage To Teach" by Parker J. Palmer. It's the type of book that helps rejuvenate the spirit. Below is a passage that struck me last night:

"In contrast to the strained and even violent concept of vocation as an ought, Frederick Buechner offers a more generous and humane image of vocation as 'the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.' In a culture that sometimes equates work with suffering, it is revolutionary to suggest that the best inward sign of vocation is deep gladness - revolutionary but true. If a work is mine to do, it will make me glad over the long haul, despite the difficult days. Even the difficult days will ultimately gladden me, because they pose the kinds of problems that can help me grow in a work it is truly mine."

I don't know about "world's deep hunger," but I do understand in a biological sense that we each have a niche. I teach my students about the interconnectedness of nature and how each organism how a role to play in their environment. My niche is a teacher. We are all connected. My role is to help my students find their niche.